In Ira Levin's classic comedic thriller, a washed-up playwright finds a chance to rise to the top once more, a shot he'd willing to kill for Sidney Bruhl hasn't written a hit play for 18 years when he receives a script from a former student, Clifford Anderson, that guaranteed success. His wife Myra suggests the two men could collaborate. Sidney jokes that it'd be easy to murder the young man and steal the script for his own. When Clifford arrives that evening, no-one not even the visiting psychic could predict when the dark events of the night will go. Who is innocent? Who only seems that way?
Written by Ira Levin
Directed by Fred Dobbin
Sidney Bruhl - Fred Dobbin
Myra Bruhl - Anita Goerecke
Clifford Anderson - Mark Zeitz
Helga Ten Dorp - Myra Waddell
Porter Milgram - Peter Waddell