
It's Christmas Eve. Three convicts are out on assignment to fix their roof. Neither Felix nor Emilie is cut out to be shopkeepers, so business is not good. In the midst of their commercial woes the shop owner, dastardly Godfrey Smythe, arrives to take a look at the accounts and do a stock take. With him trails his nephew Paul, who is Godfrey's legal heir, and in addition is Marie's "intended", so she thinks. Unfortunately, Paul, at the instigation of Uncle Godfrey, is now betrothed to a large business concern, in the guise of a pimple-free girl. Our three convicts have taken a liking to the Draper family decide to put things right.

Written by Albert Husson

Directed by Suzanna Monck



Joseph - Roger Mansfield

Jules - Sean Venning

Alfred - Nick Hargraves

Felix - Lawrie Beck

Emilie - Kathy Strauts

Marie - Danielle Seal

Godfrey - Ray Creevy

Paul - Damien White

Mrs Parole - Nicole Seal

Lieutenant Fox - Paul Herbert