The story of Lili is set in modern times against the background of Carnival life. A 16-year-old ingenue arrives from a Bretonne village after her husband has died and left her orphaned and penniless. After many failures she is saved from self-destruction by a witly puppet and encouraged to join the Carnival folk and at last finds her niche. She learns to love the four little dolls, not asmitting to herself that there is a puppeteer manipulating them. Damon is a seemingly cold, thoughtless man who appears bent on destroying Lili's innocence and gentle nature. But maybe his gruffness and bitterness are a mask for a tender, loving soul.
Music by Guy Cundell
Lyrics by Geoff Hastwell, Marilyn Cook
Directed by Marilyn Cook
Lili - Anke Willems
Damon - Ron Hughes
Charles - Bill Hastings
Lotti - Patricia Andrews
Pollo - Chris Holtham
Paul - John Martin
Roxanne - Jenny Smith
Bertol - Justin O'Donohue
Dorothy - Kerry Harrington-Rayner
The Chorus
Daniel Wood, Martyn Symons
Ann van Kruyssen, Steven Smith
Julie van der Meer, Debbie Wheaton
Anne Griffin, Rebecca Young
Terry Griffin, Sara Griggin
Morag Cook, Kathyrn Harrington-Raynor
Michael Villa, Tony Crowson