
Fredrick Knotts's triller is the story of Susy Hendix, a recently blinded housewife who unwittingly possess a doll filled with illicit drugs. Harry Roat, a brutal and sophistical criminal, coerces two small time thugs into helping him con Susy into giving up the doll. A battle of wits ensures as Susy and the young girl upstairs launch a counterplot against the thieves. The drama plays on the themes of darkness and light as Susy navigates through her slightness world, and the crooks signal each other with light through the Venetian blinds.

Written by Fredrick Knotts

Directed by Erik Strauts



Mike - Jerry Zimmer

Croker - Garth Robson

Roat - Bruce Alcorn

Susy Henderson - Qudsia Ahmed

Sam Henderson - Alex Agius

Gloria - Katherine Nicholson

Policeman Dan Heinz, Tom Anderson